General Terms & Conditions

(“We”and “our” refers to Country Company Ltd., which owns The Cotswold Reindeer herd).

By visiting our site, you are deemed to have accepted our terms and conditions. To purchase our products or experiences you must accept our terms and conditions.

All contact with the reindeer is entirely at our visitors own risk.

We will not be held responsible for any injury to persons or damage to vehicles or equipment whilst on our site.

If you fail to attend our site at the time which you booked we are not obliged to offer a refund, regardless of the circumstances.

If you arrive late, we will do our best to fit you in but that may not be possible due to other bookings and commitments.

1.Notice of Parking Charges.

We reserve the right to impose a £50 parking charge per day or part day per vehicle for any vehicle which is left in our car park whilst the occupants are not actively taking part in a visit to our venue. This includes vehicles which have been left before or after the occupants have attended our venue, but are not on site at the time. Payable on the day in our shop, failure to pay within 14 days will result in a significant increase in the charges as we pursue the issue.

2. COVID 19 AND OTHER INFECTIOUS DISEASES: (See also Visitor Guidance page).

Reindeer can neither carry nor pass on Covid 19 as far as any scientific evidence indicates. That said it is always good practice to wash or otherwise sanitise hands as soon as possible after contact with any animals.

If you feel ill and think you may be infectious, please do not attend our site.

We will refund fully any bookings when presented with a note signed by your GP indicating a  positive or suspected case of Covid 19. We will fully refund any bookings affected by self-isolation upon provision of the relevant evidence.

If you exhibit symptoms up to 14 days after leaving our site, please get in touch so that we can take the appropriate steps.

We have complied with all aspects of cleaning and sanitation as required by the Visit England organisation.  We will continue to update our practices in line with their and HM Government advice for the protection of our staff, helpers, contractors, other businesses on site, and the general public. We have provided several sanitation stations with alcohol based cleaners and hand wash facilities. We have also marked sensible distances for people in areas where there could be relatively close contact. The majority of our site has plenty of space and we ask people to be sensible about social distancing and limiting contact with other people and surfaces they may have touched. We will keep sanitising areas where people touch. We will also require our visitors to help us conform to this new normal by washing and sanitising their hands regularly, wearing masks where close contact is inevitable, minimising that contact in terms on distance and time; and maintaining space wherever possible.

3.General Terms:

  • 1.Weather and factors outside our control, including traffic and route issues. We reserve the right to amend or cancel any activities due to situations which are outside of our control, for example, extreme weather conditions. In these situations, we are not obligated to offer an alternate booking or a refund. We will not accept any other liability for out of pocket expenses or disappointment or inconvenience, or any liability for any loss or damage. Parts of your visit to this event are outdoor; we are not obliged to offer refunds or alternate booking dates or times due to inclement weather or travelling or traffic conditions.
  • 2. Arrival times and Bookings:It is the client’s responsibility to arrive on time for any booked event at our site. If you have booked a time slot to visit our grotto please arrive 15 minutes before any booking you make to allow for possible queuing or missing your slot. The grotto is usually fully booked and if you miss your booking we will try to help, but we are under no obligation to do so or provide a refund. 
  • 3.Santa and the reindeer visit bookings are non-refundable. We cannot offer alternate times or dates. If it becomes impossible for you to attend your booking, we suggest you make it into a unique gift for someone else and give that party your booking details, which can then be processed at our reception.
  • 4. Away Visit Bookings: Our system requires that we take payment in advance in order for a visit date and time to be entered in our diary. This secures the booking for the client. If we become unable to attend the visit due to factors deemed within our control, a full refund is payable to the client. If we are unable to attend the visit due to factors not under our control despite our best efforts, including weather, traffic and route issues, then an alternate date and time will be offered, or a bespoke visit to our site at a mutually convenient date and time. If the client makes any changes to the date or time within 8 weeks of a booked visit that make us unable to visit,  then we are not liable to make any refund. If the client makes any changes to the date or time outside 8 weeks of a booked visit then we will make a 50% refund on the amount charged for the original booking.
  • 5. Our closing times posted are for the entire site, so if you have a grotto booking for late in the day, please allow yourself time to visit our reindeer and to enjoy all the attractions on our site before your grotto appointment. Typically arrive at least an hour to 90 minutes before we close.
  • 6. Disappointment. The Cotswold Reindeer Herd will make every effort to ensure that your visit is a memorable one for you and other visitors. However, The Cotswold Reindeer Herd cannot be liable for distress caused by circumstances beyond our control including, any emotional distress or disappointment caused by employees who are engaged in playing of characters including, but not limited to, if any child loses his or her belief in Father Christmas for any reason as a result of visiting the Christmas Event.
  • 7. The timing and sequence of the activities that make up the experience is at the sole discretion of our management and we reserve the right to make changes without notice.
  • 8. Carers: We are not obliged to offer discounts to carers, however, we will allow free access to one carer per group of 6 SEN visitors. Proof of status will be required.
  • 9. Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere at The Cotswold Reindeer Herd site.
  • 10. No dogs are to be brought onto The Cotswold Reindeer Herd site, with the exception of assistance dogs.
  • 11. Terms:Not all families are the same and for the Christmas Event at The Cotswold Reindeer Herd and these Terms and Conditions, a “Child” is someone aged between 1 months and 16 years old (inclusive), an “Adult” is someone aged 16 years or over. The ages relate to the time of visiting the Experience.
  • 12. LGBT. Our site is a safe place for any persons, race, or creed; our bathroom facilities are non-gender specific. We treat everyone with the same respect that we expect in return during their time with us.
  • 13. Parents are responsible for their own children, and any children accompanying them.
  • Climbing or standing upon fences, barriers, trees, safety fences and decorative sleighs is strictly prohibited. Where logs are provided for seating, it is the responsibility of parents, guardians or teachers to ensure that children do not walk or jump on the logs. The parents or carers of any child or cared for individual shall be responsible for any damage they cause whilst on our site.
  • 14. The ground surfaces may be uneven, other surfaces rough, parts of fences are sharp, the cooking area has hot surfaces. Take care, and stick to permitted access ways and routes only. We will not accept responsibility for any damage or injury.
  • 15. Mobility/Wheelchair Access: Our site tracks are crushed stone and may pose difficulties for some mobility vehicles with small wheels. We have made our site essentially wheelchair accessible in terms of doorway widths, shortcuts, and ramps instead of stairs, but we cannot accept responsibility to any damage to persons or vehicles or prams etc. whilst on our site.
  • 16. Behaviour around the reindeer: The reindeer are semi-domesticated wild animals, please do not act in a manner which may startle or upset them, do not enter their enclosure, or put your limbs in; people deemed to be acting in this manner will be asked to desist and or leave the site. The golden rule is that is it would startle or upset you, it probably would them too.
  • 17. All contact with the reindeer is entirely at your own risk.
  • 18. Refused admission and/or removal.The Cotswold Reindeer Herd reserve the right to refuse admission or remove from The Cotswold Reindeer Herd anyone who acts in a manner which is likely to cause offence or lack of enjoyment to others. This includes being (or appearing to be) drunk, incapable, intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs, abusive, threatening, behaving anti-socially, carrying offensive weapons or illegal substances.
  • 19. Alcohol and illegal substances are not permitted to be brought on to the site of The Cotswold Reindeer Herd.
  • 20. Feeding the reindeer. No food or drink is allowed to be brought onto our premises with the intention of feeding it to the animals here.
  • 21. Allergens. Any food or drinks bought on the premises may contain allergenic substances, and we require that parents be aware of their own and any allergies present in accompanying children and to ask staff and or refrain from purchasing or consuming any items which may cause an allergic reaction. Some people may be allergic to contact with our animals or their feed or other substances that they may come into contact with whilst on our site. We cannot be held responsible for any harm caused.
  • 22. Hygiene.  Please wash your hands and those of any children after contact with our animals and before consuming food. There are hand wash facilities in the toilets and at various other points on the site, if you cannot find them, please ask a member of staff.
  • 23. Driving and parking in the car parking area requires you to drive slowly, carefully and considerately towards others, please be safe and sensible, and park sensibly. We cannot accept any responsibility for harm, loss or damage caused, or for any vandalism.
  • 24. Exit. Drivers please, please take care driving on and when exiting the site! Oncoming vehicles do not always obey the speed limit. Whilst we cannot be responsible for or affect how you operate your vehicle at any time, we ask you to ensure the road is clear when pulling out and that passengers are calm and not distracting. We want you to get home safe and happy, and come and see us again soon!
  • 25. Photography and filming. Non-professional photography and video recording is permitted in all areas at The Cotswold Reindeer Herd. All images and videos must be for non-commercial use only. Commercial or editorial photography is prohibited without prior permission. Accreditation must be requested. Consent must be granted by any individuals (or their guardians) captured in photographs or video. The Cotswold Reindeer Herd cannot monitor the taking of personal/non-professional photography during your visit, therefore we cannot be responsible if you or any other visitors (including children) are featured in a photograph or recording taken by someone else and which is subsequently published or distributed in any form.
  • 26. Complaints. The Cotswold Reindeer Herd hope that you do not have any complaints when visiting The Cotswold Reindeer Herd, but if you do, we would like to have the opportunity to try to resolve this for you during your visit, as we want this to be a magical experience for all our visitors. If you have any concerns it is important that you speak with a staff member during your visit. If you feel that the issue has not been resolved you would need to email or write to us within five days of your visit to the contact details provided on the contact us page. This will allow us to investigate your complaint thoroughly, which may take several weeks. Any complaints received outside of this timescale, or not raised on the day of your visit may not be considered. Complaints raised on any social media platform including but not exclusive to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Trip Advisor and Google will not be dealt with on social media, and may be treated as malicious  and dealt with as such. Please email complaints as detailed above.
  • 27. Website and media images and details. Images, media clips and details may be changed from time to time, and whilst they are intended to give an indication of they type of experiences we offer they may not depict the reality detail experienced on any particular occasion. We reserve the right to change details and images on our website without notice and we withhold any responsibility for the accuracy or lack of in any details or images depicted on or in any other media.
  • 28. Win a Helicopter Flight Competition. Bookings made to either visit Santa & the Reindeer, or just to visit the Reindeer for our opening day of November 16th will be entered in a prize draw. The draw will be closed on 11th November and the winners notified the same day. All bookings for 16th November will be placed in a container and the first booking drawn out by hand by one of our directors will be the winner. Should the winner decline or be unable to accept the prize, another draw will be made, and so on, until the prize is taken. No employees or affiliates of the company will be included in the draw.


Lodge Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions are a binding legal document which exists between the guest and the company. When payment has been received for a booking it is deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions. All the terms referred to above are also applicable to anyone staying or intending to stay in our lodge, including the Covid 19 and other infectious diseases update.

The company: refers to Country Company Ltd.

The guest: refers to ‘you’, the individual or group who made payment at the time of booking. This is the person who will be responsible for the behaviour of all members of the group and will also be deemed responsible for the welfare of the group and any damages caused. Guests staying in our lodge must request in advance if they wish to bring in additional persons to use the facilities of the lodge or to join in the tour of the reindeer herd. The tour of the reindeer herd is free to our paying lodge guests, but for others who wish to join in a charge per person will be applicable.

The company reserves the right to change its website and websites through which its lodge is offered, including prices, and terms and conditions, without notice. The company reserves the right to refuse entry to the farm, cancel bookings, or instruct people to leave the farm at their discretion if deemed necessary and in the best interests of health and safety in relation to both people and animals/livestock (for example due to inappropriate behaviour, dangerous weather or site conditions).



Contact and personal details may be kept by the company for future mailings and news. If you do not wish to receive these, please let us know. Your consent to the receipt of marketing information is assumed by your use of our website and or entrance to our site. You may also opt out of receiving emails at any time by contacting us. The booking process asks for your address details and phone numbers, these are required by the Local Authority so at any time we can prove you are not residents at the site. It also allows us to contact you should the internet fail and if we need to contact you whilst you are travelling to our site. Please note that financial details are never stored by us.

We will not pass on or sell your details to any third parties.



To secure the booking full payment of the cost of the stay is required by the guest. Confirmation of the booking will be sent after full payment has been received.

Bookings cannot be accepted from persons under 18 years of age.

Maximum four adults in Reindeer lodge allowed unless agreed with the company beforehand (subject to change at your own discretion). Maximum 6 adults occupancy in Santa’s Lodge Both lodges have a fold out double sofa bed to accommodate the maximum number of adults. There is room in both lodges for a cot. When the sofa beds are in use in either lodge the use of the log burner is prohibited.

If a cot or high chair is required, we would ask that the guests bring their own.

If our guests wish to bring their local family or friends onto our site whilst staying at our lodge we will charge an extra £10 per person, including children, for every day or part day spent on our site. In addition we will charge a further £10 per person if the guests of our guests wish to take part in the reindeer tour which is complimentary to our lodge guests.

Any extra guests entering our site are automatically considered to have accepted our terms and conditions.

The booking guest is seen as the lead guest and is responsible for disseminating the appropriate information to all adults staying in the lodge for that booking period.  Appropriate information includes these Terms and Conditions, the provided directions, and on arrival, the Information Pack within the lodge.  The purpose of this is to ensure they are fully aware of the nature of the farm, Health and Safety issues, the wider livestock, the facilities, and appropriate clothing and footwear they require. If ever in doubt, then we encourage guests to ask questions before arrival. Farms are changeable places and we always ask that guests take extra care whilst on the premises and do not go anywhere or do anything they are not sure of. No pets are allowed.



Payment is taken via credit or debit card, bank transfer or cheque. Payment is taken in UK Pounds Sterling only. Card details will be securely stored until your departure. We reserve the right to take payment for any damages incurred during your stay.

The Cotswold Reindeer Herd lodge is considered to be a quiet area. If you there are any complaints about your behaviour you will be given one warning. If you continue then you will be asked to leave the site.

No refund will be given.


Changes to bookings

Bookings cannot be changed 8 weeks or less prior to your arrival date if made directly through the company. If a third party company is used, such as Travel Chapter or AirBnB, their own terms and conditions overrule our own.

If you need to make any changes to your booking, please let us know as soon as possible. Where changes are possible there will be an administration fee of £30. Changes must be made in writing/email by the person who made the booking.

If the cost of your stay increases due to a change in seasonal accommodation charges, you will be required to cover this cost in addition to the administration fee.  If the costs of your stay decreases due to a change in seasonal accommodation charges, you will be refunded the difference.

Booking changes must be finalised and paid for more than 8 weeks prior to the original arrival date.



Cancellations must be confirmed in writing/email, by the person who made the booking.

Cancellations must be made 3 months or more before the planned arrival date in order to qualify for a full refund minus a £30 administration fee.

Cancellations made between 2 and 3 months before the planned arrival date qualify for a 50% refund, minus a £30 administration fee.

No refunds will be provided for cancellations made less than 2 months prior to arrival unless due to Covid 19 or similar infection for which we will require medical evidence of the reason signed by a GP.  A change to an alternative date may be possible in exceptional circumstances and depending on the time of year. We strongly advise visitors to take out full holiday insurance to cover cancellations, public liability, personal belongings, loss etc.

In the event that we need to cancel your holiday we shall inform you as soon as possible and refund all money paid to us, by you, within 14 days.


Arrival and Departure Times

We ask for arrivals between 3pm and 6pm on the designated arrival day. Guests must inform us of their estimated arrival time and telephone half an hour before they think that they will arrive. If guests arrive later than 6pm bookings will be subject to an additional surcharge of £20.  Please provide us with as much notice of this as possible so that we can ensure a member of the team is available to meet you and show you to your lodge.

Guests are required to vacate their lodge by 11am on the day of departure, unless previously agreed with the company.


Your visit to the lodge at The Cotswold Reindeer Herd

Guests agree to be considerate tenants and to take good care of the lodge and facilities during their stay. Guests agree not to act in any way which would cause disturbance to other visitors or livestock. No pets are allowed. Should any facilities, equipment, or inventory, be damaged willfully, as a result of inappropriate usage or behaviour, or as a direct result of failing to respond to instructions from our staff you will be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of that item. The company cannot accept responsibility from any loss, damage, or expense arising from industrial action, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions or any other event outside the control of the company.

The entire site, including car park and open areas, farm buildings and inside lodges are a no smoking and no vaping areas. A fine of £200 per person may be levied at our discretion to cover the costs of cleaning if this rule is broken.

By booking and coming to The Cotswold Reindeer Herd you agree to be responsible for the members of your group, children and any children you are in charge of; your own welfare, and to take all reasonable precautions against personal injury, injury to others and damage to the farm, facilities and lodge, such as regarding litter, fire, noise after 10pm. Anything you bring to the farm and any damage or loss to your possessions is at your own risk. You use the facilities and amenities at the farm at your own risk. The company accepts no responsibility from any loss or injury arising from being on the farm or in the lodges. By booking the guest is confirming their acceptance to these terms and conditions, along with the risks, hazards, and dangers of personal injury in entering the farm. No naked flames are allowed in the lodges. No bonfires are allowed. Barbeques are only allowed within the confines of the barbeque area. No Placing of items upon the top of the log burner is permitted. Please keep anything flammable at a safe distance from the fire when lit.

For your own safety: There is no access to any areas except the designated area shown on the plan of your lodge. The authorised areas are marked in your welcome pack, inside your lodge. There is a communal forested area, open to all guests.

For your own safety: Do not climb fences or gates or enter any other areas. Anyone found in these areas may be asked to leave immediately and without refund.

An additional charge may be made for extra cleaning if the lodge is left in a particularly soiled condition. This can be avoided by leaving dirty footwear in the boots box by the door and keeping wet clothes and footwear off the bed and furniture.

The guest shall keep the lodge and all furnishings, and fittings and effects in or on the property in the same state of repair as at the commencement of the holiday and shall leave the lodge in the same state of cleanliness and general order in which it was found. The guest must report and pay to the owner the cost of any damages or breakages made during there stay. The owner reserves the right to make reasonable charge (£200 per person) where guests have contravened on the owner’s request for their lodge to be smoke/vape free.

Holidays in Britain can mean dramatic variance in weather in a short period of time. Guests are responsible for their own well-being and comfort regarding appropriate clothing and footwear etc. In extreme weather conditions at the farm, such as exceptional cold and snow, the company will do its best to warn guests and give guests the option to move dates (subject to availability) without being subject to the cancellation policy administration handling charge, or loss of any monies.


Customer Complaints

We hope that you have a lovely stay at The Cotswold Reindeer Herd Lodges, but from time to time, things can go wrong, so If you wish to make a complaint, please talk to us at the time, or contact us as soon as possible, so that we can endeavour to resolve your problem swiftly.

Please address any correspondence regarding complaints to:

The Cotswold Reindeer Herd,

Ampney Crucis,



GL7 5RS.

Please note that complaints received after the end of your holiday with us cannot be reliably investigated.